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ALLMICROALGAE, Pataias, Portugal
Promotor [Allmicroalgae]: Allmicroalgae is the largest European producer of microalgae in closed systems. The photoautotrophic production unit is composed of 19 tubular photobioreactors with volumes varying from 10 to 180 m3, two 140 m3 thin-layer cascade reactors, two 1000 m2 raceway ponds (four by 2022, with a new raceway of 4000 m2), and a greenhouse with eight 1000 L flat panel photobioreactors. The heterotrophic production unit has two 5 L, two 200 L, and two 5000 L fermenters. The R&D unit has six 2600 L tubular photobioreactors, two 28 m2 raceway ponds, a flat panel cultivation area, and two 5 L fermenters. Besides, the company has a downstream processing unit with an ultrafiltration membrane system, an ultracentrifuge, and a spray dryer, having an annual nominal capacity over 100 tons.
Allmicroalgae have collaborations with more than 30 national and 50 international institutions and have been involved in several H2020 and P2020 projects.
Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal
The University of Algarve, in particular the investigation groups MARBIOTECH, Soils, Vegetal Nutrition, and Skeleton Comparative, Adaptative, and Functional Biology (BIOSKEL), gathers a set of scientific competencies and methodological approaches that will guarantee a high scientific quality of the investigation activities.
MARBIOTECH focuses on marine biotechnology investigation and its main goal is studying biology, biochemistry, and molecular biology of marine organisms and applying them in biotechnological applications. In the last 20 years, the group specialized in the biotechnology of microalgae through the isolation of improved strains using high-throughput screening techniques, analytical chemistry, and biological activity assays.
Soil and Vegetal Nutrition groups have a wide experience working with several vegetal species and have large experience in collaborating with companies in the development of new fertilizers and biopesticides and agronomic validation tests. In the last years, the Vegetal Nutrition group focus’ was on studying natural biostimulants and actions to correct nutritional deficiencies in cultivated plant species.
BIOSKEL group has wide experience in using zebrafish as a model for studies of development, genetics, and molecular biology, and in the cultivation of fish cells as a tool to study the genetic regulation and intracellular signaling pathways.

GreenCoLab, Faro, Portugal
GreenColab is a non-profit private organization that functions as a collaborative platform between investigation and industry. It is formed by an investigation center (CCMAR), a state laboratory (LNEG), and four companies (Allmicroalgae, Necton, Alga+, and Sparos). It aims to explore macro and microalgae as an essential component for human and animal nutrition, nutraceutical, bioenergy, wastewater treatment, and cosmetical industries.